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"Halloween," "Rabbits," "Meadowlark," POETRY
"The Forest / Wanting a Child," New York Review of Books
"The Circle," "Old Orchard / On Envy," three sonnets, Conjunctions
"Tender Publics," Lit Hub
"Abstraction," Guernica
"November with Animals," New York Review of Books
"Mountain Poppies," Quarterly West special "Extraction" Issue
"In February We Drove to the Atlantic," The Hopkins Review
"December 1," The Yale Review
"Elevation," Gulf Coast
"Counting Song," The Atlantic
"Premonition," "Pretty Like That," "Wasted Empty Space," "The Capitals," The Volta
“Charm for G,” “Tender Publics,” Stinging Fly
“Forms of Displeasure,” Dusie Tuesday poem series
“Poem for the New Year,” Bennington Review
“New City,” Rob McLennan’s Spotlight series
“Greenville” (with Walt Hunter), The Spectacle
“Song of Untellable Distances,” Alienocene 2 (plus French translation by Frédéric Neyrat)
prose poem series, “Essays on Working,” Blind Field Collective
five poems, Company Journal
three poems, PEN American Center poetry series
“Love Song” (two poems), “The New Forest,” Tender
“Ditty,” “Sea Chanty,” “Capital Song,” “Storm Song,” “Tulips and Roses,” Prelude
“Convalescence,” Return to Default
two poems, WebConjunctions
reading and Q&A w/ Noah Falck, April 2024, Cleveland Public Library / Ohio Center for the Book
reading from The Upstate and Elevation, April 2022, Atelier Michael Woolworth, Paris, France
reading w/ Stéphane Bouquet (poems and translations), July 2019, Café Pas Si Loin, Pantin, France
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